Wildwood Creative is your go-to for social media strategy and content. Reach out so we can work together towards an awesome social media feed!
If your organization or business has a social media feed(s), publishing new content on a continual basis is critical so you don’t look stagnant and outdated. However, keeping your social media feeds fresh can make you feel like a hamster on a wheel that never stops turning!
To complicate matters, every post on your feed shouldn’t be focused on selling your product. By including “value-add” content that’s particular to your industry, you focus on creating a relationship with your consumer.
What every social media business account needs to manage these different aspects is a system. In this system, create a calendar using the below prompts to pre-plan what your content includes. I’ve used a program like Excel to track this calendar.
15 Ideas on What to Post:
1. Share what you’re working on
2. Spotlight Your staff
3. Promote a giveaway
4. Shamelessly sell your product or what you’re offering
5. Share an interesting article related to your industry
6. Promote signing up for your emails
7. Post a how-to video
8. Share a customer review or ask for feedback
9. Promote an upcoming event
10. Celebrate a holiday
11. Link to free resources
12. Post an answer to a FAQ
13. Share curated content from your website
14. Share an infographic
15. Highlight what’s happening in your community
Work ahead a month at a time so your feed is “plug and play” for the foreseeable future.
Assign a category for each day you’re planning to publish a post during the month and create text and graphic content for each post. Then, use a scheduler like the business scheduler for Facebook and Instagram or a third-party app like Hootsuite or Hubspot to schedule posts for the whole week or even a few weeks out.
Ta-da! Now you have ideas on what to post and a system to keep it going. You just have to keep working the system.
Let’s see an example!

Prompt Examples
Let me show you how this plays out. As an example, Organization A is an organization that produces sports camps for students. Below is how they might use the listed prompts. Each post should be accompanied by a good photo, video, article link, or graphic.
Share what you’re working on
“We’re excited to be kicking off a new summer schedule of camps for kids in our community! Today we’re putting together registration, equipment needs, and more! Will you be a part of a camp this summer?”
Spotlight Your staff and volunteers
“Our registrar is awesome! Check out why she says she works with Organization A and reach out to her with any questions about getting registered for our summer camps!” (Tag the registrar so the post is on her page too and her friends see your organization)
Promote a giveaway
“We provide camps at no cost to our community so every child can experience a sports camp and hear a Gospel presentation. Will you join our team by supporting a pop-up camp this summer? Anyone who makes a donation of $150 or more will receive a free Organization A t-shirt!”
Shamelessly sell your product or what you’re offering
Golf Camp registration is live on April 15! Don’t miss this awesome time to learn the rules of golf, basic golf skills, and golf etiquette. Space is limited so don’t delay!
If you’d like to support a pop-up camp this summer, reach out to us at organizationa.com
Share an interesting article related to your industry
We work to provide sports camps for students because we believe each child should have access to sports and God’s Word! [link to article on how sports impact kids]
Promote signing up for your emails
Don’t miss a notification of camp registrations, how to get involved, and what’s going on with Organization A. Sign up to receive our emails at organizationa.com
Post a how-to video
Swinging a golf club isn’t as mysterious as you think! Watch our camp director demonstrate how it’s done. Sign up for camp this summer and join us for a week of more learning!
Share a customer review or ask for feedback
“I loved going to Organization A’s Basketball Camp because I had fun with my friends and I got to learn about playing basketball!” – John Smith
Celebrate a holiday
Merry Christmas from Organization A! Wishing you a wonderful time with family and friends!
Link to free resources
Is your child interested in enhancing these skills on the court? Check out these 5 methods of becoming a better player that can be practiced at home, at the park, or at the Y! (youtube link)
Post an answer to a FAQ
FAQ: Who can attend a sports camp with Organization A? Answer: anyone ages 5 – 12!! Find out more at organizationa.com
Share curated content from your website
It’s been 11 years of amazing experiences! Thank you for being a part of it!
Share an infographic
XX% of our community lives below poverty and can’t afford to pay for sports camps. That’s why we’re passionate about bringing these opportunities to our community!
Highlight what’s happening in your community
There are lots of sports happening in our community! Get out and get active and support your local sports teams! Check-out our high school team schedules here.
Calendar System Example

There you have it! Now Organization A has a plan for May and into June on how to keep their content updated and engaging. The schedule continues to get repeated with new content per prompt in the ongoing future.
The only thing better than having the system is having someone who curates the content, creates the graphics, and works the system for you! Wildwood Creative is your go-to for social media strategy and content. Reach out so we can work together towards an awesome social media feed!